Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sunday, December 27, 2009

2009 White Christmas in Arkansas

On Christmas Eve we set out on what turned into an icy, slippery, tense drive through Texas, Oklahoma, into NW Arkansas to be with my parents, brother, and his family. Thanks to Isaac's spectacular driving skills on ice, we made it safe and sound! On Christmas morning we woke to a winter wonderland! Enjoy!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

We are loving this time of the year as a family. Hope you and your family have a very blessed Christmas Season!

Visiting the Neiman Marcus Interactive Christmas Window Display!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Isaac and I both feel so grateful this year. Our children are growing and maturing, Isaac's pressing through his classes, and we understand how blessed we are to have a happy and healthy family. In a world that sometimes feels uncertain, it feels so good to know that we have each other. It's a simple statement, but very true.

On Thanksgiving, Isaac and Julian were fortunate enough to see their favorite team, the Raiders, against the Cowboys in the new Cowboys Stadium. It was an experience neither will soon forget. Elia and I went to my parents for lunch and then relaxed with them, our bellies full, until we went home and slept for three hours!

We are so thankful for our family and friends. Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Cutest Snow White in the World!

Of course she wanted to be Snow White! It's the perfect costume for our curly black haired little princess. Elia had so much fun on Halloween, but preferred to pass out candy, rather than go trick or treating herself. She greeted each child with a "Happy Halloween"! We later had our neighbors and other friends over for a costume party. Elia preferred her PJ's by this point, but remained in hight gear! Her favorite candy for the evening? "Mosqitoes" AKA Skittles!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

First Bunkin' Party

Elia had her first official sleepover tonight! Her friend, Cassie, spent the night so her parents could attend her dad's high school reunion. Elia didn't care the reason, she just knew how exciting it was! We spent the evening decorating pumpkin-shaped sugar cookies, painting Halloween ornaments, and ending the night with bathtime and a few good books. Elia was still talking to Cassie long after Cassie had crawled into her bed after "lights out"! I don't think she wanted to surrender to her exhaustion, but they are both snoring away as I type! We had to take plenty of photos to chronicle this major milestone in Elia's little life!

Elia's first wedding attendance!

Well, not a suprise to anyone, Elia stole the show at my friend's wedding last weekend as she danced the night away!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Jeanette comes to town!

Our precious niece came to Denton for a Dance Seminar at TWU. We only had a short time with her, but we loved showing her around town. We ended the evening up on the square at Beth Marie's homemade ice cream shop of course!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Isaac meets Los Lonely Boys

A sweet friend gave us backstage passes so Isaac could meet one of his favorite bands, Los Lonely Boys. After the meet and greet, we were able to sit in the festival's sponsor's booth where we enjoyed free food and drinks. Elia cooled off by dipping her toes in the water fountains. Isaac was on cloud nine all night. We had a really fun night out.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Date Night!

Well, I rarely blog about just the two of us, because it's rarely JUST the two of us anymore! Elia had a special bunkin' party at Nana's (thank you, Nana!!) so that we could have a worry-free evening. We had a special night out to see Creed and Staind in concert down in Dallas. We had such a good time with good friends, great music, perfect cool weather, and time together. When date nights are few and far between, you CHERISH them! We sure did.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Our little dancer

Elia's personality really comes alive during her Ballet Class. She's not afraid to go against the flow, do the opposite of what the teacher is asking of the group, or stand center stage encouraging her audience to applaud her efforts. Her famous move is the superman slide on the floor, performed weekly I might add. You know you may have to explore other avenues when the teacher announces, "Well, soccer might be another option" as she watches your daughter sprint across the floor! All in all, it's been a joy to see her in her precious tutu laughing and throwing that leg up in the air. Soon enough she'll be choosing her own sport. Please Lord, let it be an indoors one!

School Days

Elia returned to The Children's Place this year to a new classroom and new teachers! Miss Sue and Miss Natalie are wonderful, and Elia jumped right in as if she'd never left for summer break.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Quick Photo Op at the Gaylord Texan

The absolute greatest place to take photos is at the Gaylord Texan in Grapevine. We try to go each summer to walk the resort and take a few pictures. These are a few...