Saturday, October 6, 2007

Still Growing! (Pics 7-10 wks)

I was dedicated at my church on September 2nd. Although I poopied two times before going on stage, the whole event went off without a glitch, and I looked FABULOUS! Nanna and Poppy were there, along with my great pals Wendi, Richard, and "the girls"!

Mommy went back to work when I was 7 weeks. She misses me a ton, but gets to see me at lunch sometimes and she says we having "bonding" time in the mornings and we hang out as a family in the evenings. Daddy is best at getting me to fall asleep when I get ready for bed. He's good at cuddling me so I fall right to sleep!

I hang out with my Nanna while the parents are at work. She says what happens at Nanna's stays at Nanna's. I'm not sure what that means just yet.

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