Monday, January 12, 2009

First Day of School!

What a big day for Elia! She attended her first day at The Children's Place at St. Andrew's Church. She goes 2 days a week for 3 hours and has about 5 other boys and girls in her class. There is a set learning schedule each day, with music, art, reading, and of course play! Isaac and I took her, thinking it would be dramatic and traumatic for her. Were we ever wrong! She was perfect! No tears, just a big wave "bye" to mommy and daddy! I think she was ready for us to leave so she could get down to business! We sang a song about school the entire way there, and she would not let go of her Mickey Mouse back pack! She was a pro. The teachers said she acted as if she'd always been there. She slept the entire afternoon after her long morning at school! We are blessed to have such a special place for our little girl to learn and grow!I asked Elia, "Lista?" (Ready in Spanish), and she said "LISTA"!!

Mom, can I go in now?Elia got right into exploring all of the toys and books in the room. She showed her Daddy one of the great books to read.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Beth, congratulations on the no tears! What a big day!!!! I am tagging you. Do you know what that is? Go to my blog and leave a comment if you will do it or not, then type 16 fabulous things about yourself that others may not know and then tag as many bloggers as you know! Also a way to get others to comment on your blog! Hope you will find it as fun and silly as I did!