Saturday, August 15, 2009

Elia's Ballet Class

What a funny morning we had. Elia had her first ballet class...which she called her "hair clasp"! Sounds alike, I get that!! When we pulled up to the community recreation center, Elia proclaimed, "I see baseball! I want to do that!" I parked the car, thinking my dreams of my daughter in a tutu may be short-lived!

We got to the class, and Elia was NOT in the mood. So the teacher suggested that mommy get out there and dance with all the two year olds. Are you getting a visual? Soon Elia was comfortable to twirl on her own, and I quickly hid in a corner behind the camera. Daddy was smiling from ear to ear, watching his baby girl in her first grand performance.

You know how in a class, where all the children are doing just as they are instructed, but there's always that ONE child on the fringes of the circle, sort of doing her own thing? Yes, that is my beautiful child. The one doing the superman on the floor of the dance studio, when all the other girls are standing quietly in first position! We were so proud though. What's not to love about a girl in a pink tutu doing the superman stretch on the dirty community center floor?!?!?

As we were leaving, she spotted several people playing what she called "tuna" which translates into tennis. I guess my hopes of an indoor hobby are quickly fading.

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