Saturday, October 20, 2007

I'm 14 Weeks Old!

Wanted you to see how big I'm getting! Today mommy and Nana took me shopping. I was worn out by the end of the day, but I had tons of fun. Nana bought me my first pair of real shoes. They are hot pink, and very fancy! Mommy said they were too expensive, but Nana said that's what grandmas are for. I sure do like them! I just couldn't take my eyes off of them! I'll try to get a picure of them in my next posting. Until then, enjoy these pictures of me!

1 comment:

avalarue said...

Oh Beth! I'm so glad to see you are using the quilt! Your little Elia is just beautiful! Fourteen weeks - how time flies. I know your mom is enjoying this precious little gift. Say Hello for me.