Sunday, July 13, 2008

Elia's First Birthday

Our precious baby turned one on July 9th. We had a little party for her, and Mickey Mouse Club House was the theme because that is her favorite show in the world! She loved the idea of opening gifts and then running around the room to show them off. As everyone eewwwed and ahhhed, she would crack up! She wasn't too sure about what to do with her cake that Nana made her. She touched it gently, until mommy finally smushed her hands in the icing! She never really did like having the mess on her, but I think she enjoyed that butter cream icing! This has been the greatest year of my life and I cherish each memory made with this beautiful little girl. She is the greatest gift of all.

1 comment:

Randi said...

I cannot believe little Elia is already one! What a precious little gal.